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Ofurkraftur, allt að 1000Pa Static þrýstingur
Frábært loftflæðishraða, dregur út gufurnar á nokkrum sekúndum
AI snjöll bendingastýring, með því að veifa hendinni
50d(B)A Lágur hávaði, vertu rólegri
BLDC inverter mótor

Why named it the super powerful range hood?

01 (2)

1.This unit can collect fumes in all directions<br /> 2.The negative pressure coverage expanded to close to the cooktop, the fumes will be firmly locked in the moment it rises

<br /> We will never be anxious about the fume smells and grease once you got a ROBAM range hood A675S<br /> 4.3 times more static pressure approximately to the general rangehoods

Suitable to house kitchen,More powerful,more thoroughly<br />

50dB(A) low noise,Makes cooking more quiet

AI smart gesture control, by waving your hand

Easy-to-clean oil filter

Tæknileg færibreyta

Aflgjafi 220-240V~50-60Hz
Hámarks stöðuþrýstingur 1000Pa
1000Pa 50dB (A)
Málinntak 262W
Metið inntak aðalmótors 260W
Nettóþyngd 29,8 kg


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